What is a Lease Takeover? A Graphical Explanation

A lease takeover is what is commonly known as a contract "transfer," "transfert de bail‎" or "cession de bail". Basically, it means that, if you have a contract, you can transfer it to another person/entity who is interested in taking over it. It is not only limited to vehicles, as it is also applied to property rental, service providers, suppliers and so on. But for today, let's keep it in the car leasing topic:

Want to Learn more about Lease Takeovers

At LeaseCosts we have a huge audience of people looking for Lease Takeovers and new car leasing information. That's why we have dedicated hundreds of hours writing and documenting how to go through this complicated process:

General Lease Takeover Resources

Specifics about our Lease Takeover Marketplace

About the author

Jorge Diaz is a passionate car lover, winter driver & Software Engineer. For the last 10 years, he has built Online Solutions used by more than 5,000 companies across the globe. He founded LeaseCosts in 2016 with the purpose of simplifying and helping Canadians to better understand the complex market of car leasing in Canada. You can connect with him at Leantrepreneurship.com.

Jorge is also the author of Car Leasing Done Right: A Canadian Guide for Understanding & Optimizing Vehicle Leasing Costs, released on Nov. 5th, 2021. It is available at Amazon.ca