Looking for a New Car and Don't Know Where to Start?

Yes, the market is enormous: more than 35 brands and then, more than 400 base models available. That is definitely a lot of alternatives. This is why, if you feel somehow "confused" or overwhelmed with all the available options, then you have to start online and later go for it. Our main suggestion, start with your budget.

#1 Your Estimated Budget

Remember that solving your transportation needs isn't just paying the car costs. Avoid surprises and plan things ahead. Usually, when you acquire a new vehicle in Canada, there are around 250-350 extra dollars every month that you will spend for moving around. There are related costs such as:

  • Fuel Costs
  • License Plate Registration Fees
  • Driver License Fees
  • Regular Vehicle Maintenance
  • Parking Fees
  • Vehicle Insurance Costs
  • Tolls

Just to mention the main ones. I just want to remember you clearly that if you plan to spend 400CAD/month on a car, then you may need to reconsider a vehicle close to the 200-230CAD per month. Otherwise, your math will blow up.

Explore +1,000 New Car Deals in Canada

Once you know what you can afford, then jump to the available alternatives. Monthly costs are the best way to simplify all this math, so just go for it and use it as the price reference.

#2 Actual Sale Numbers

Knowing how many vehicles of a specific make are sold in your region helps you understand two things: what people like and what works well. There are cars that can be classified as "bad cars" that everyone suggests to avoid and some other that your friends will surely recommend you go with because of their personal experience.

GoodandBad Car sales reports are handy for understanding how things are going for manufacturers and models across North America.

#3 Evaluate How Will Work Better For You

There are multiple ways of acquiring a vehicle, but the two most popular are financing and leasing. Both have pros and cons, so you should carefully calculate which one is better for you. We have very interesting articles about comparing leasing and financing a car that I strongly recommend you read.

About the author

Jorge Diaz is a passionate car lover, winter driver & Software Engineer. For the last 10 years, he has built Online Solutions used by more than 5,000 companies across the globe. He founded LeaseCosts in 2016 with the purpose of simplifying and helping Canadians to better understand the complex market of car leasing in Canada. You can connect with him at Leantrepreneurship.com.

Jorge is also the author of Car Leasing Done Right: A Canadian Guide for Understanding & Optimizing Vehicle Leasing Costs, released on Nov. 5th, 2021. It is available at Amazon.ca